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Active report    Id 39    CRT screens and monitors  Period data Q3/2018  Weight (kg)  777.000
First fractions Overview Graph Final Calculation Analyze Inspect Usage

Report - Id 39  Download for multiple use
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Quality classification of the report: normal
Please answer quite some questions ...
copy of 33 - Created by: WeeeSys 17-01-2019, Date of background lists: 18-12-2018
Report type Treatment results Calc. model WEEE Dir. 2012/19/EU, WFD 2008/98/EC
Company Treatment partner A WEEE-system DEMO system
Input fraction CRT screens and monitors Weight (kg) 777.000
Input remarks CRT screens and montiors sorted at collection facilities, other appliances with small CRT screens in other collection groups Period Q3/2018
Kind of data Period data Status to be verified
Kind of data remarks Calculation model 2
DEMO DATA - dismantling + splitting of tubes; partly *-rule not followed, partly no countries, show controller remarks;
Difference in model 2 given by glass to Pb smelter - slag no use
First technology used dismantling / sorting
 Remarks from controller
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 Warnings from automatic inspection
 Calculation - national
 Calculation - model
 exclude confidential data 
 Overview (all)
 Remarks from controller
 Rates per fraction - national
 Rates per fraction - model
 Calculation - national
 Calculation - model
 exclude confidential data 

Warnings from automatic inspection
  (02:23)NEW 19: Inspection warnings - full content video
  (00:54)NEW19: What are ´Inspection warnings´?
  (01:23)New19: How to see ´Inspection warnings´?
  General warnings on report: 0
  Specific warnings on treatment tree: 5
acceptor XY -> plastics conditioning
    Treatment of a hazardous fraction, but there are no following hazardous output fractions
OPEN -> municipal waste incineration
    Acceptor-country for hazardous fraction is missing !
    Acceptor-market region for hazardous fraction is missing !
Pb smelter x -> Pb smelter
    Acceptor-country for hazardous fraction is missing !
n.d. -> landfill
    Acceptor-country for hazardous fraction is missing !
shredder B -> fine shredder / separation
    Treatment of a hazardous fraction, but there are no following hazardous output fractions

WF-RepTool pro V 5.1 - © WEEE Forum