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Active report    Id 33    CRT appliances (all)  Period data Q3/2014  Weight (kg)  777.000
First fractions Overview Graph Final Calculation Analyze Inspect Usage

Report - Id 33  Download for multiple use
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Quality classification of the report: normal
Please answer quite some questions ...
copy of 21 - Created by: WeeeSys 06-01-2014, Date of background lists: 15-12-2013
copied to 39
Report type Treatment results Calc. model WEEE Dir. 2012/19/EU, WFD 2008/98/EC
Company Treatment partner A WEEE-system DEMO system
Input fraction CRT appliances (all) Weight (kg) 777.000
Input remarks Period Q3/2014
Kind of data Period data Status in process
Kind of data remarks Calculation model 2
DEMO DATA - dismantling + splitting of tubes; partly *-rule not followed, partly no countries, show controller remarks;
Difference in model 2 given by glass to Pb smelter - slag no use
First technology used dismantling / sorting
 Remarks from controller
 Full info (remarks, etc.)
 Warnings from automatic inspection
 Calculation - national
 Calculation - model
 exclude confidential data 
 Overview (all)
 Remarks from controller
 Rates per fraction - national
 Rates per fraction - model
 Calculation - national
 Calculation - model
 exclude confidential data 

Warnings from automatic inspection
  (02:23)NEW 19: Inspection warnings - full content video
  (00:54)NEW19: What are ´Inspection warnings´?
  (01:23)New19: How to see ´Inspection warnings´?
  General warnings on report: 0
  Specific warnings on treatment tree: 5
acceptor XY -> plastics conditioning
    Treatment of a hazardous fraction, but there are no following hazardous output fractions
OPEN -> municipal waste incineration
    Acceptor-country for hazardous fraction is missing !
    Acceptor-market region for hazardous fraction is missing !
Pb smelter x -> Pb smelter
    Acceptor-country for hazardous fraction is missing !
n.d. -> landfill
    Acceptor-country for hazardous fraction is missing !
shredder B -> fine shredder / separation
    Treatment of a hazardous fraction, but there are no following hazardous output fractions

WF-RepTool pro V 5.1 - © WEEE Forum