First videos for 'advanced' users released
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We proudly present our first video tutorials on 'advanced uses' of WF-RepTool.
We proudly present our first video tutorials on 'advanced uses' of WF-RepTool.
With the latest series on 'Working with the Graph' the video tutorials explaining the 'basic' use of WF-RepTool are complete now.
The new program version 4.3 of the WF-RepTool has been published. The core news are - reports may be fully created/edited within the graphical representation.
The WEEE Directive 2012 should have been implemented by most member states in the meantime.
To apply the stricter definition of 'recycling' given in the WEEE Directive 2012 by referring to the Waste Framework Directive 2008, you should change to 'model 2' of the WF-RepTool.
Please see the summary information Recommendation to change to 'model 2', more details you will find under Guidance documents > 'What's new with model 2'.
The update of the new program version 4.2 of the WF-RepTool has been finished and installed for the WF-RepTool users. Core elements of the new program version are:
• A graphical presentation of WF-RepTool reports from which you may jump to steps where you want to continue work in the WF-RepTool.
• The option to upload attachments to the report (i.e. the first step operator / treatment) and/or for next step treatment operations and/or fractions.
Please see the new user manuals provided for this version.
We proudly present a new series of videos we have produced for WF-RepTool users, the reporters. Furthermore you may find a new video providing general information on 'What is the WF-RepTool'.
We proudly present a new series of video tutorials to demonstrate how auditors may use the WF-RepTool in their daily work.