In 2021 started the development of an adapted WF-RepTool version ‘generation II’.
The tool is becoming operative in early 2025. While WF-RepTool version 5.1 stays fully in operation for the whole of 2025, we invite current users to consider moving to the new version of the tool during the year.
If applicable, please contact the PRO you are reporting to for more information about this transition period.
Since 2021 an adapted WF-RepTool version ‘generation II’ is under development. If you want to provide your input, please contact Lucia Herreras e.g. via ‘Contact us’ or the WEEE Forum website.
WF-RepTool version 5.1 stays fully in operation.
With 1st March 2022 Renate Gabriel retired. For any individual training please contact any experienced WF-RepTool user but the videos, user manuals and guidance documents should give you good information to start up.
The Guidance document - issues of harmonization has been updated with reference to rules from the Commission Implementation Decisions on waste and WEEE and with new questions which came up the last years.
A new video for auditors on two main new features of the WF-RepTool – the Graph and the calculation of recycling and recovery rates for interim fractions - has been put to the website.
A new guidance document has been put together doing a cross-check if rules on the calculation of recycling & recovery results given by a Commission Implementation Decision from December 2019 are fulfilled with the WF-RepTool.
WF-RepTool 5 has been released and installed for the WF-RepTool users - please see the summary of main news and the updated user manuals. Also a bunch of new tutorial videos has been published together with a review and update of the FAQs.