Please find below our ‚core documents', the user manuals for the WF-RepTool.
As the WF-RepTool consists of 2 parts, the administration of the WF-RepTool - with which you may 'adjust' the WF-RepTool to your needs and the use of the WF-RepTool to generate reports,
you will find 2 separate user manuals:
These manuals include all updates of the WF-RepTool done within the last years (marked with the year of change).
If you are already used to use the WF-RepTool, but your are interested in 'what has been changed / what is new?', you will find last update changes summed up under 'main news' – listed following:
Within these 'MAIN news' both, system as well as reporter aspects are covered.
Also there are some poor options within the WF-RepTool to store personal data. Related to this please see our statement regarding WF-RepTool and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)