Where can the WF-RepTool be installed?

You may choose to get the WF-RepTool installed:
* at your own server (see How can I get the WF-RepTool installed at my own server?); please consider that you have to care for an adequate server, the server administration and the back-up of data. The update of new program versions is more difficult;
* at a sector of the WF-RepTool server (see How can I get the WF-RepTool installed at a sector of the WF-RepTool server?); this is the more easy solution as the server and the back-up of data will be organised by the WF-RepTool IT manager and the update of new program versions will be done directly.
For the update see How may I - as WF-RepTool administrator - be sure to work with most actual program version?
Regarding access to data see Will other WEEE systems or companies see my data when I use the WF-RepTool server?